Thursday, January 14, 2010

New year and new tattoo...

...or not really a new tattoo...just working on finishing my right arm. I'd say we're about half way done. Still some shadows to do and a lot of colouring..and something to fill the empty space on the inside of my upper arm.

Well, to go back to the big news about the new year. I heard it is now 2010 (!). Already!? Yepp!
We haven't been that good on keeping this blog alive lately. To be honest we've been really bad at keeping this blog alive! There are no excuses.
The news about the band is that we all have been quite busy during the holidays and now are starting to rehearse again. We're constantly working on new songs and hope to play live soon again =)

Back to the tattoo ;)
Today I had my third sitting and got some more black ink on my right arm.

Recognize this table? Same one as last time.. You can see one of the stencils laying there ;) Can you tell what it is?

Aaaaaaaaaaand a sneak peek =) This is all you get for now ;)

Bye for now!

// Magnus - PineappleSue

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

I know we're a couple of days late with this but anyways.. We wish you all a Happy New Year! =)

// PineappleSue

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy Holidays =)

We wish you all Happy Holidays!

// PineappleSue

Thursday, November 12, 2009

oh lala

Go bloggen, go bloggen...
So, our gig on the 12th of december got canceled. It sucks, but what are you gonna do? We are still psyched as ever, and a new oppurtunity will soon arise!
Meanwhile, SUPER-psyched about this:$M_RND$M/Home.html

Peace friends!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

More pics...

Well.. someone wanted us to post more pictures of the band so I thought we'd start with the cutest one ;) Some of you have probably seen this one before but it's worth one more look.

Got any pictures of PineappleSue? Doesn't matter if we're playing, sleeping, picking our noses or whatever.. we'll put your pictures here too if you have any to share with the world! =) Let us know!

// PineappleSue

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Good morning Rock N´Rollians!

...and what a great morning it is. Grey skies, a soothing chilly wind and 9:15 am on a saturday.
Please find todays video below:

Today is the day of the dead (or is it tomorrow?), and therefore I think that beside our loved ones, we should also celebrate all of the people that got us here. I am of course referring to the musicians that way back in the day layed down the law on how to play rock.
I now that it is toooooo obvious, but I recently came into possesion of The Beatles-Remastered CD box. For those of you who missed it, it contains their entire catalouge, digitaly enhanced and polished. While listening to it i realized that their last album sounds so different from their first. Listen for yourself:

They look, sing, play and feel different. But yet, it´s still the same. What I am getting at is the fact that 40 years down the road, a good song is still a good song, and more often than not it is still the same structure  and chords that repeat themselfs. But the different styles, what you look like, play and how you act sets the tone for all the different genres of rock, and I for one am a firm believer in the fact that if you take away one major band from rock history, say Led Zeppelin, PineappleSue and all of the other great bands out there would have sounded different. Maybe alot, maybe not so much. But there would have been some change...
Another funny thought is what if there is a band "missing" from rock-history (Anvil?). How would we have sounded then?
Whatever the case may be, claiming that you are "unaffected" or whatever by "old" bands and different styles of music is in my humble opinion very hypocritical.

WOW! This post is a major bash... But do you agree? Do you disagree? Am I an idiot or a genious? please comment below.
In the meantime however, on this the day of the dead (or is it still tommorow, maybe it was yesterday...?), take some time to really reflect over the bands and musicians that are no longer here, and be honest: What type of impact have they really had on your life? I promise you, it is not small...

Friday, October 30, 2009


Look at the post below! I´m so out of it right now, I can´t even spell "this". Fantastic!


The headline just about sums it up, it´s almost one in the a:m, just getting ready for three hours of sleep...
More videos is the idea, and hopefully that idea will be realized his weekend!
Thank you all for your patience, much love//Mackan

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Once again...

...please help us spread the word and our music across the globe! Tell everyone you know, and everyone you don't know, to visit our myspace or blog. Or just mention the cute name of PineappleSue and people will get curious ;)

We also need your help to make the blog better! What do you guys want to see on the blog? Please write a comment and tell us what you'd like to see here.

// PineappleSue

Friday, October 16, 2009

Hours of pain..

Today I went to the self-torturing centre (my fav tattoo studio) and got some ink under my skin. Finished practically all lines on my right arm in four and a half hours.
I must admit I'm a bit sore right now...actually so sore I'd almost like to cry. But I don't! ;)


A lot of black ink in this baby...

Well, that's it! The pictures aren't good, but the best your'e gonna get right now! More pics after next sitting.

// Magnus